Wednesday, June 27, 2012

rumination (aimee)

            I leave for Delhi in less than three weeks. I think I’m just now realizing what that means. After years of dreaming, months of planning, and hundreds of to-do lists, I am finally beginning the “next chapter” of my life. To cope with my constant anxiety, I have decided to do as many American things as possible before I move to Delhi. Although I am embarrassed to admit it, I have been watching a lot of reality TV in the past couple weeks - can’t get much more American than that, right? I've also enjoyed a few chocolate shakes from McDonalds, and more than a few pints of Ben and Jerry’s.
My dad doesn’t understand my desire to fill my last weeks at home strictly with American things. Our fridge is filled “Indian” food from Costco, leaving little room for the fried chicken I crave. Last week, my dad and I got chai lattes from Starbucks. He asked me if it tasted the same in India. I laughed, he had no idea. Tasty? Sure. Indian? No way. 
I decided to add “chai latte” to my American to-do list. 
            I leave for Delhi in less than 20 days. To be honest, I’m terrified. I thought that leaving home to begin my adventure would be easier than this. I thought it would be easy to leave all the stress and drama of my American life behind, but it hasn’t been. I’m homesick for Sewanee. I’m homesick for Middleburg. I’m homesick for things that haven’t even happened yet. 
So, why torture myself? Because despite all my doubts and the butterflies that have taken up residence in my gut, I want to experience something. I want to challenge myself. I want to see, hear, understand, question, cry, smile...if nothing else, I want to grow. 

            I leave for Delhi on July 14th. I think in time I’ll realize what that means. 
-- Aimee 

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